ヤエヤマフォレストの香りを作るのにイメージしたのは南国ヤイェヤマの美しい手つかずのの森でした。 香りの成分はシトロン、ガルバム、シダーウッド、カンファーなどに沖縄産の月桃の自然エキスを加えて森の緑、ほのかな薬草やスパイス、しかも暖かく居心地のよい香りを表現しました。
The enchanting and untouched sub-tropical Yaeyama Forests are the main inspiration behind our candle scent. The scent is an elegant blend of citron, galbanum, cedar wood and camphor in a base of natural extract of Okinawan getto, giving a light herbal, green, woody, spicy, warm and welcoming scent.
ヤエヤマフォレスト琉球グラスYaeyama Forest orange Ryukyu glass candle
Each candle is handmade and contains 180 grams of soy wax and perfume, giving an approximate burn time of 36 hours. The scent was designed in Okinawa by Maki Ueda. The perfume (5%) is sourced from France and the soy wax is sourced from the USA. The glass is handmade Okinawan Ryukyu Glass. Each glass is handmade and may slightly differ from the photograph.